Welcome to SEC PEAK 2023/24
Message from fitt and Cambridge University
Welcome to the SEC PEAK Program
Dear SEC PEAK Participant,
On behalf of the entire fitt team, as well as the University of Cambridge, it gives us great pleasure to welcome you to the Saudi Electricity Company PEAK Journey. Firstly, we recognize that your nomination to PEAK is a clear affirmation of your significant contribution to the company as a senior leader. Congratulations with this. We also realize that you have been greatly successful in your career thus far, and this is confirmed through your nomination. Our job is to create a unique experience that can support you in A) contributing to the SEC growth strategy into the future and B) building your leadership brand, reflecting, and chartering your path forward. It is our privilege to have you on board.
PEAK is the flagship program within our portfolio with SEC. With this, comes a significant amount of time invested. By the HR and Leadership Team, by our global faculty members on the program, and most importantly, by you. We ask therefore that you make the most out of your journey. The more you put in, the more you will get out of the experience. Make the journey your own. Tailor it to your expectations. Take the time out of your busy schedule, investment in your own development will always yield great results. Most importantly, have fun! Network with your peers and your coaches and build friendships to last a lifetime.
With sincerest best wishes,
Vesselin Popov
Executive Director
The Psychometrics Centre
Cambridge Judge Business School
Prof. Ederick Stander
Fitt Talent
Highlights of the journey
Cohort 1
Cohort 2
Cohort 3
Cohort 4
PEAK wins best Leadership Program
On Friday, the 17th of June 2022, the Saudi Electricity Company PEAK Program received the illustrious award of officially being selected as the overall best Sustainability Leadership Development Program in the Middle East. The prestigious event, which is organized by globally renowned publication Entrepreneur Magazine, was held at the Palm Sofitel Hotel in Dubai, UAE. Mr. Abdulkarim Al Reshaid, Senior VP for Human Resources at SEC, received the award on behalf of the organization. From the Leadership and Talent Development team, Mr. Darren Kamphuis, Mr. Mahmoud Tommalieh, Mr. Mohammed Al Mulla was also in attendance, as was a delegation from SEC Corporate Communications. Mr. Ian Rothmann and Dr Ederick Stander from the fitt team joined in the celebrations. The Awards seeks to recognize efforts of leading companies in the region who drive a green and sustainable future in the energy sector. Leadership Development plays a big role in this as it is responsible corporate management who will drive the ESG agenda. The evening was full of glitz and glamour, however most importantly, was a reaffirmation of the world class work SEC is delivering in building leaders and talent for the future.
Upcoming Attractions
21-23 April 2024 9:00-11:30AM KSA
12-14 May 2024 9:00-11:30AM KSA
Completed Modules
Action Module 1:
Building a Leadership Brand for the Future
Download the PDF here.
Action Module 2:
Career Planning in the Digital Age
Download the PDF here.
Action Module 3:
Building a Leadership Brand for the Future
Download the PDF here.
Overview of the Program
SEC Competencies
Message of the Month
February 2024
Message of the Month: Month 2
Career Planning in the Digital Age
This month we zoom into a very important topic. As leaders, we have to make sense of our career goals, ambitions and aspirations in a very fast changing business world. The theme of 2023, and now into 2024, has undoubtedly been AI. Technology is shifting, new business models are emerging, and change is part and parcel of our environment. The good news is the principles of career planning remain constant.
In this month’s action module, our focus is on exactly that. We will be covering a range of important topics such as:
What does it mean to be a modern SEC Leader?
What are the key skills, capabilities and competencies needed for us to future proof? To lean into the opportunities laying ahead of us? We will be looking into global trends shaping the workforce of the future, and explore how new and disruptive technologies are altering the way we think about corporate leadership.
The RISE Model for Career Planning
Taking a view on how we can organize our own thinking around career planning. Providing a clear benchmark to assist us in making sense of the environment around us when we career plan, and to ensure we are future ready despite of (or perhaps because of) the many opportunities and challenges we are confronted with.
Self-awareness in career planning
One of the most important traits of a successful leader is self-awareness. Understanding oneself, and being able to stress test our own readiness to make key career transitions. We will be unpacking a simple model for self-awareness, inculcating the habits of excellence so often seen from successful leaders.
Message of the Month - January 2024
A Leadership Brand for the Future
Marhaban world. This is me
In the Leadership Literature, much is written about the strength of having a clear leadership brand. In Psychology, we call this your Professional Identity. It is often referred to as the way in which you lead social processes to get the most out the people around you. But what is all the fuss about? And how do we make this practical? In simplest terms, a leadership brand is the unique set of characteristics and attributes you bring to your team. It is the WHY and the HOW you inspire others. Think of great leaders of the past and present: Examples that come to mind is HE Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman, who through his exceptional initiative, is leading Vision 2030. Advancing the Kingdom’s growth aspirations, its digitization strategy and its economic sustainability. Think of Nelson Mandela, who was able to bring reconciliation to a divided country. Or Steve Jobs, who through his innovation shifted the way the world interfaces with technology. We associate certain characteristics with these leaders, all in their own right. When we understand, express and develop our leadership brands, two things happen: Firstly, we build meaning and authentic purpose from what we do. This is a rewarding and personally enriching experience, as it allows us to aspire to be the best versions of ourselves. Secondly, we amplify the results in our teams, as we use our unique character strengths to unlock value. Leadership is about serving, and we best serve through being our authentic and sincere self. Some practical guidelines to build a leadership brand:
Spend the proper time in deep diving and reflecting on what differentiates you as a leader. Ideally, do this in a quiet space -we often call this under the tree time. To understand your own brand, you really need to think about it.
Contract a Coach
A coach is a powerful soundboard to test ideas around your leadership brand. This person can give you an objective view and will practically guide you in actioning your brand. They can provide guidance on what you need to do more of, to amplify your unique brand.
In simplest terms, ask people who have an influence in your life, on what your key strengths are. Your team members, your line manager, the partners you work with, and even your family, will be able to give you a clear and candid view.
A Leadership Brand is nothing if it is not nurtured and developed. This requires work. You need to document your brand. Write it down. Develop a slogan. Then, progress with clear action items. What will you do in the next six months? The next year? Be creative, it’s not only about attending courses. It’s about the little actions that make a big difference. For example, if you’re a leader who creates innovation, are you regularly conducting brainstorming sessions with your team? Are you challenging them to think big? Make your brand practical.
This month, our focus is on Building a Leadership Brand. Our Action Module will cover this in depth, and it will also be a key focus of your upcoming coaching session. To further assist, we have added really useful articles and links on the topic. You can access those through the Articles page on your PEAK Website. Be the difference you want to see in the world! Understand your leadership brand and bring that value to the people around you.
Articles and Resources
Month 1
Define Your Personal Leadership Brand in Five Steps
by Norm Smallwood
Building a Leadership Brand
by Norm Smallwood
and Dave Ulrich
How To Develop A Strong Leadership Brand
by Dina Denham Smith
Want to Create a Strong Personal Leadership Brand? Read Me!
by Michael Edwards
What’s Your Leadership Brand?
by Leading Effectively Staff
What Is Leadership Brand?
by GreggU
How Do I Build a Leadership Brand?
by GreggU
How great leaders inspire action Simon Sinek
by TED
Month 2
Be The Boss Of Your Career
by John Nielsen
What Job Crafting Looks Like
by Jane E. Dutton and Amy Wrzesniewski
What is Job Crafting?
by Catherine Moore
Elevate Your Career Journey
by Michael Gardon
A Simple Way to Map Out Your Career Ambitions
by Marc Effron
The Skills You Should Acquire to Future-Proof Your Career
by CareerProfiles.info
Building a Career Development Program
by Richard L. Knowdell
The Ultimate Guide to 21st Century Careers
by Richa Dwivedi
Month 3
Communicating With Impact: Ten Elements Of Effective Messaging
by Carrie Osgood
15 Tips for Effective Communication in Leadership
by Leading Effectively Staff
Deconstructing Executive Presence
by John Beeson
Developing Executive Presence
by Joshua Ehrlich
Executive Presence: What Is It, Why You Need It And How To Get It
by Gerry Valentine
Three Questions That Will Improve Your Executive Presence
by Kathy Caprino
Why you need executive presence (and how to get it)
by Shonna Waters
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